Nose Job Without Surgery? Discover Liquid Rhinoplasty.

The nose is the center focal point of the face and often what people will look at when talking to another person. This can be a point of insecurity if a person feels their nose has an uneven shape. Rhinoplasties are a common and significant procedure people go through to get a straight nasal bridge, a smaller upturned tip or small nasal flare. 

Thankfully for many people there is a non-surgical option! Many noses have small deformities that can be corrected with a combination of precisely placed dermal filler and PDO Threads. These results can be dramatic and life changing. Some people go years with an insecurity of the bump at the bridge of their nose, and in a short amount of time it is perfectly straight. This can make a huge difference in confidence and how someone carries themselves. 

What Does a Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Do?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can subtly reshape and refine the nose to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Here's how it can address common concerns:

  • Uneven Nasal Bridge: Smooth out bumps or humps for a straighter profile.

  • Drooping or Bulbous Tip: Refine the tip for a more lifted and defined look.

  • Wide or Flared Nostrils: Create a narrower and more symmetrical appearance.

  • Lack of Bridge Definition: Enhance bridge volume for a more balanced profile.

  • Concave Bridge (Bridge Dips Inwards): Fill the indentation for a smoother and more projected bridge.

How does a non-surgical rhinoplasty work?

The bridge and tip of the nose are able to be shaped with both dermal fillers  such as Restylane-Lyft and PDO Threads. The dermal fillers are great for filling in the ridges and for giving the tip of the nose an up-turn. PDO threads are perfect for building HEIGHT to a nasal bridge that is more flat. 

  • Dermal Fillers: Hyaluronic acid fillers, like Restylane Lyft, are strategically injected beneath the skin to add volume, camouflage bumps, and refine the tip.

  • PDO Threads: These dissolvable polydioxanone threads are inserted to provide lift, support, and definition to the nasal bridge, creating a straighter and more sculpted appearance. PDO threads also stimulate collagen production, further enhancing the results.

The dermal filler is placed between the skin and the bone or cartilage where it will build shape and stay until it is time for a touch up a year or so later. Similarly, the PDO threads are placed along the length of the bridge on top of the bone and cartilage where it builds height, forms a structure of collagen and elastin and remains in place until it slowly dissolves over nine months. 

Is Liquid Rhinoplasty Painful?

You might wonder if this is uncomfortable? It certainly may seem like it, but we use local numbing to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible. After the procedure there is usually a small amount of soreness for 2-3 days which Tylenol and ice are able to take care of. Certainly this is much different than a full surgical rhinoplasty! 

Non surgical nose job results before in after with liquid rhinoplasty in Austin, tx.

Benefits of the Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty offers several benefits:

  • Non-invasive: No scalpel or general anesthesia involved, minimizing risks and recovery time.

  • Minimal Downtime: Get back to your daily routine quickly.

  • Gradual Results: See the improvements unfold and make adjustments during follow-up appointments for a personalized outcome.

  • Temporary and Reversible: Offers a chance to "test drive" desired changes before committing to permanent surgery. Ideal for those unsure about permanent alterations.

  • Cost-effective: Generally less expensive than traditional rhinoplasty.

  • Natural-Looking Results: Achieves subtle enhancements for a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

So, it’s not surgical-how long does it last? 

While non-surgical rhinoplasties are not permanent, they do last a significant amount of time. A combination of dermal filler and PDO Threads reshaping the nose typically lasts one year. The trend in our practice is for patients to have the procedure touched up annually. This provides the important benefits of not committing to a permanent change, not exposing themselves to the risk of surgery and being able to subtly change the nose each time. 

Who is a Candidate for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

This procedure is ideal for individuals with:

  • Minor to moderate nasal imperfections, such as bumps, dips, or a lack of definition.

  • Realistic expectations and a desire for a more natural-looking result.

  • A fear of surgery or extended recovery time.

Choosing the right provider

Here at Maui MedSpa all of our providers are experts in anatomy and have many hours of training, ensuring you always have an excellent and safe result. We pride ourselves on continuing education in anatomy, hands-on training, industry seminars and teaching others in the industry ourselves. Many people come to us to teach them and this is something we are proud of. If you’re looking for liquid rhinoplasty in Austin, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Ready to Redefine Your Profile? Explore Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Today!

Non-surgical rhinoplasty offers a safe and effective way to achieve a more refined and balanced nose without surgery. If you're considering reshaping your nose for a confidence boost, consult a qualified aesthetic injector today to determine if non-surgical rhinoplasty is the right choice for you.


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